Are "Frankenfoods" In Your Meals?
Just like Frankenstein’s monster was created by combining body parts from different
people, Frankenfoods are foods that have been created by combining genes from different
organisms, creating GMOs (genetically modified organisms).
The Health Hut is dedicated to being GMO Free.
About GMOs
(“Genetically modified organisms”) are organisms that have been created through
gene-splicing techniques. This allows DNA from one species to be injected into another
species in a laboratory creating combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral
genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.
For example: inserting a gene from an arctic fish into a tomato to extend the tomatoes
growing season.
Are GMOs safe?
In 30 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan and all of the countries
of the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the
production of GMOs because they are not considered proven safe. In the U.S. on the
other hand, the FDA has approved commercial production of GMOs based on studies
conducted by the companies who Created them and Profit from their sales. (Internet
search: “Millions against Monsanto“)
How common are GMOs?
In the United States, 91% of soy(lecithin), 88% of cotton, 85% of corn, 88% of canola
and 95% of sugar beets grown are Genetically modified. As a result, it is estimated that GMOs are now present in more than 80% of
packaged products in the average U.S. grocery store.
The HEALTH HUT is dedicated to being GMO FREE!
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