To Encourage You to Try Organic, We Offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee
We Know You'll Love Organic
To encourage you to try our wholesome organic products, we offer a 100% money back
guarantee. We believe you'll agree:
organic simply tastes better.
Look for the USDA Organic Certification
Any food item that carries an organic certification label is your guarantee that
it has been grown and handled according to exacting organic USDA standards and that
no toxic chemicals have been used.
Nature's Path Crunchy Maple Cereal

Nature's Path Flax Plus

Nature's Path Waffles

labeled as “100 percent organic” must contain (excluding water and salt) only organically
produced ingredients and processing aids.
Products labeled “organic” must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced
ingredients (excluding water and salt). Any remaining product ingredients must consist
of nonagricultural substances approved on the National List including specifi c non-organically
produced agricultural products that are not commercially available in organic form.
Learn more about organic
products from the USDA National Organic Program.